
Learning Intention
We are learning to understand the purpose of punctuation. 

Success Criteria
Find an example of punctuation
Pause at a comma
Emphasise words followed by an exclamation mark

Teacher Comment
 You read well by pausing at the commas and using a big voice before the exclamation mark. Super reading Cooper!


Learning Intention
We are learning to write a lab report about skittles changing colour.

Success Criteria
 List the ingredients
 Write clear instructions
 Describe what you saw
 Discuss your findings with a buddy

Teacher Comment
Well done listing the ingredients and describing what you saw with your group. You really enjoyed doing the experiment Cooper.


Mathswizz progress report.  

This report show the progress Cooper has made since he has started this program.

Te Reo

Learning Intention: We are learning to sing " Singing In The Rain" and perform the actions.

Success Criteria:
Sing as a group
Listen to others
Join in with the actions

Teacher Comment: Well done singing and performing the actions. It was great to see you doing all the moves.


WALT practise our maths skills at home.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We are using our maths skills in everyday situations.

STUDENT VOICE " I have done all the things on my bronze maths home learning ".


Learning Intention

We are learning to perform a dance

Success Criteria

Dance in time to the musicMake the correct shapes Work as a team

Dance  - click for the link to see the dance. 

Student Voice " I liked dancing in time to the music".


WALT make a balance.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We will think of  a balance that we can make and hold.

STUDENT VOICE " I can make  a balance with a buddy and we can both do it together".

Te Reo

WALT sing waita with correct pronunciation
SUCCESS CRITERIA I can do the actions and sing the words in Te Reo. 

STUDENT VOICE " I know the words to the songs and I can do the actions".

CARE values

WALT use our CARE values to be a bucket filler.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We will fill the bucket of someone by being kind to them.

STUDENT VOICE " I know how to be a bucket filler and I got my Bronze CARE certificate". 


WALT bounce  a ball and catch it again.
STUDENT VOICE " I know how to bounce a ball so that I can catch it again".

Physical Education Year 2

WALT run a cross country race.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We will persevere until we get to the end of the race.
STUDENT VOICE  "I kept running and running until I finished".


WALT clap and move in time to the music.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We can move our body in time to the Music.


We are learning to:  follow instructions from a dance teacher to learn a dance routine.

We can do this when:  we keep to the beat
                                    we are in sync with the dance moves being                                         taught
                                    dance with another partner

Reading Year 2

Learning Intention
We are learning to do our reading sml's.

Success Criteria
Free choice writing
Complete my fastwords
Read to a buddy

Student Comment: I was finishing my writing.


Learning Intention
We are learning to create a picture plan for our garden

Success Criteria
Draw your garden
Include 2 ideas you would like in your garden

Student Comment
In my garden I made a flower tunnel and a chair.


WE ARE LEARNING TO: problem solve


* we work together as a team to solve a problem
* we explain how we got to the answer
* use material to help us solve the problem